Friday, August 14, 2015

Hum Drum Life

There are exciting things going on in my life now! More on that in another post though.

But I had to go to the barn and clean up my trailer and organize Mikey's stuff... I cleaned some of his stuff the night he died, for lack of something to do. But things like his saddle pad and surcingle needed to be cleaned still. (They're still dirty, I took them home but that's all I could do). Anyway, I cleaned the trailer and reset it for it's next trip, whatever it may be. I tried to find some various items and couldn't, so that's not cool. I have to do some more digging around and get some better organization going on. Things got shuffled when I had to get the trailer ready to haul two horses to the last show. I did do some of Mikey's washing that's been sitting in my basement- ie standing wraps.

I did go down to the outdoor arena to watch lessons (part of the reason my trailer didn't get completely organized). I haven't been down there since Mikey was buried in the jump field. When I got there, instead of feeling gloomy, I got to have a laugh. One of the ladies was down there on her giant white horse (18hh) and I immediately recognized the look of drunk steering that comes with crossed reins.

It was nice to watch her lesson. She improved so much in the 20 min that I watched her. She's a heavy pull the inside rein to turn get bend/turn to the inside, and it hurts her on course when she lets the outside shoulder get away. Her horse is a lovely fellow. He's not going to win any movement competitions, but he's quiet and sane and has a good bit of get up and go (until he gets tired!). He's used to her riding his front end and steering him like he's a Mack Truck. Well, he was not pleased with the turn of events! Crossing her reins made her use her outside hand and inside leg and put him in proper bend and he had to carry himself. He was not pleased and had a couple temper tantrums before coming round and really using himself. It was lovely to see.

I helped finish stalls, and by then it was quite dark and time for me to go home. Not a very exciting day, but hopefully I have more exciting posts in the future!


  1. You're making me want to try the crossed reins again. ;-)

    1. If Courage will tolerate it, you really should! It's quite eye opening. Just remember, diffuse a tantrum by releasing both reins and kicking on!

  2. I might have to try that too. Also I really admire your attitude. The ability to find things to make you smile is invaluable!

    1. It's a good exercise (even just in walk) if the horse will tolerate it! And thanks, I'm trying to see the happy side of things :-)
